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The Primus Method
Our service method is based on the application of Occupational Health & Safety according to standards set by macro trends, scientific literature and legal directives. Therefore, we continuously improve our processes by following the best practices in the world.

1. Adaptation of personnel health requirements to enterprise & process conditions
2. Pre-employment screening for candidates with no disability
3. Pre-employment screening for candidates requiring special policy
4. Pre-employment screening for disabled candidates
5. Clarification of lab examinations adapted to the specific requirements of each enterprise process
6. Specialist physician examinations and psychological tests according to enterprise needs
1. Periodic examinations
2. Health surveillance for employees who require special policy
3. Polyclinic services & emergency action
4. Return-to-work examinations after sickness absence
5. Immunization services
6. Health records
1. Risk analysis & determination of suitable candidates for work
2. Environmental measurements
3. Risk analyses for chemicals
4. Risk analysis in the case of process updates & employee control
5. Audit
1. KPI
2. Annual report
3. Annual plan
4. Annual training plan
5. İSG Katip entries
6. Working conditions and records of disabled employees & employees requiring special policy
7. Official recordings
F. Emergency intervention planning
1. Work accidents
2. Fire & explosion plans
3. Earthquake & natural disaster plans
4. Contagious disease plans
G. Occupational Health & Safety Committees
H. Preparation on work and OH&S directives
I. Recommendations
J. Relationship Management w/ occupational hospitals and other health institutions
K. Advisory on medical law
Resources and Case Studies
Cenevre, 2011 - Uluslararası Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun özel sektörün İSG yatırımlarının getirdiği maddi kazanca dair araştırmasıdır.
© 2018 Primus İş Sağlığı Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.
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